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Spring Hat

Spring Hat
Spring Hat

This Spring Hat looks involved but is really quite easy, the stitches involved are tr/U.S. dc and a Forward Post Treble/ U.S Double Crochet which is explained in the pattern. Bendigo 4 ply cotton was used however any good quality 4 ply cotton would be appropriate. 
Gauge is not important as the pattern is written to accommodate any discrepancy with tension. You will need 50 - 100 grams of cotton depending on the size of the hat you decide to make and a 3 mm. crochet hook. Extra from your stash will be needed for the flowers and leaves. Bendigo colours used are: Hat Parchmen, flowers, Blush, Daffodil, Hyacinth, Wild Lavender and Peach, Leaves are in Honeydew.

The Pattern By Julie Black

Full Post: Spring Hat Pattern